Mind Body Connection

Are you ready to have a more positive mindset and get rid of physical ailments?

The mind body connection is the evidence based idea that our thoughts, feelings and beliefs can positively or negatively impact our physical body. We can treat the mind and we can treat the body but treating one without the other causes a see-saw affect between attending to our mental and physical health. Focusing on healing both and the connection between the two has brought long-standing changes for my clients.

Are you ready to have a more positive mindset and get rid of physical ailments?

The mind body connection is the evidence based idea that our thoughts, feelings and beliefs can positively or negatively impact our physical body. We can treat the mind and we can treat the body but treating one without the other causes a see-saw affect between attending to our mental and physical health. Focusing on healing both and the connection between the two has brought long-standing changes for my clients.

The Framework


We will focus on your mindset and create mindfulness practices to help you identify areas of stress and discontentment. We will hone in on self-talk, where you are getting stuck and examine new ways of looking at your life and relationships.

Physical Health

Next, we will focus on your physical health, tension and reoccuring ailments. We will also look at your rest/sleep patterns, exercise routine and what gets in your way of optimal health. Exploring your diet, past injuries and daily schedule will also give us a more complete picture of your health and next steps.

Building Healthy Connections

Once we've explored both your mindset and physical health we will start to make connections between the two. We will talk about building healthy habits that serve you and eliminating ones that do not.

When I started to suffer from migraines I didn't make the connection between my misery at work until I worked with April. She helped me realize how the two were absolutely connected and how to decrease my suffering my in mind and body.
